Here are some reputable websites and organizations that provide resources and information on holistic therapies for cancer patients:

The Society for Integrative Oncology logo

The Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO)

SIO is a professional organization dedicated to integrative oncology, which combines conventional cancer treatments with complementary approaches. Their website provides resources, research, and information on various holistic therapies for cancer patients.


Our integrative medicine services provide a unique approach to healthcare. We combine conventional medicine with evidence-based complementary and alternative therapies. Our experienced clinicians take the time to understand your individual needs and create a personalized health treatment plan to address your overall well-being.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center logo

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)

About Herbs: MSKCC’s About Herbs website provides evidence-based information on herbs, botanicals, and other complementary therapies commonly used by cancer patients. It offers a comprehensive database that includes scientific research, clinical summaries, and interactions with conventional cancer treatments.

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health logo

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

NCCIH, a division of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), provides evidence-based information on complementary and alternative medicine approaches. Their website offers resources on various holistic therapies, including acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and herbal medicine.

Cancer.Net logo

Cancer.Net: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Cancer.Net, a patient information website of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), provides reliable information on complementary and alternative medicine approaches for cancer patients. Their website offers articles, videos, and resources on various holistic therapies.

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine logo

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM)

CMBM is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the integration of mind-body approaches in healthcare. Their website offers resources, training programs, and information on mind-body techniques for cancer patients.

Believe Big logo

Believe Big

Believe Big is a non-profit Christian organization founded by Ivelisse and Jimmy Page after her battle with stage IV colon cancer without the use of chemotherapy and remains cancer free today. Since 2011, Believe Big has helped thousands of patients move through the overwhelming process of cancer by bridging the gap between conventional and complementary medicine. Believe Big not only helps patients survive but thrive. Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

Gerson Institute logo

The Gerson Institute

The Gerson Institute mission is anchored in the education of food as medicine, reducing toxic exposure and creating a healthier world where the Gerson Therapy is not just a viable option, but a pillar of treating chronic illness. By supporting organizations with missions surrounding food access, food education, regenerative farming, soil health and toxin-free households, we are engaging in solutions to the very issues that impact people who come to Gerson to get better.

Chris Beat Cancer logo

Chris Beat Cancer

Chris Wark was diagnosed with stage IIIc colon cancer in 2003. After surgery he opted-out of chemo and used nutrition and natural therapies to heal. Today he is  healthy, strong, and cancer-free! He shares his story and everything he has learned about nutrition and natural therapies for cancer. His website offers resources as well as a cancer coaching program for patients, caregivers and anyone interested in prevention.

Peter Hinderberger, MD, PA & The Raphael Clinic of Maryland

Raphael Clinic

Their vision is to promote optimal well-being by accompanying each cancer patient on his/her path to healing by providing education and individualized, safe, state of the art integrative medical care.

Phoenix Tears logo


After learning the truth about the amazing healing abilities of cannabis oil which he produced himself, Rick Simpson made this knowledge public. He put up the website back in 2004 and made the information people need to heal themselves free for all to use at no cost. Rick did not even try to patent the oil or the method he used to produce the oil, because he felt that this is knowledge everyone should have, so they could learn how they can deal with their medical problems themselves, in a sensible harmless manner.

The Radical Remission Project logo

The Radical Remission Project

This is an online community created by NY Times bestselling author Kelly A. Turner, PhD, author of Radical Remission & Radical Hope! It is dedicated to continuing research and creating community for survivors, patients, friends, family, and health professionals.

Center for Advancement in Cancer Education

At The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education | BeatCancer.Org, we believe that 90% of all cancers can be eliminated through environmental and lifestyle choices alone— and science agrees. Our mission is to help individuals and families prevent, cope with, and beat cancer by providing research-based education on diet, lifestyle, and other immune-boosting approaches.

Grounded in the proven science of epigenetics, we strive to create generational change by breaking the chain of cancer running in families. Through our services and personalized, one-to-one support, we empower individuals to make transformative lifestyle changes that not only improve their own health but also inspire healthier futures for their loved ones.

It’s important to note that while these websites provide valuable information, it’s always recommended to consult with healthcare professionals, such as oncologists or integrative medicine practitioners, to ensure the safe and appropriate use of holistic therapies in the context of an individual’s cancer treatment.